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Feb 23, 2019
The Phoenix Rising
Brandon and Morgan Baker of The Lovely Temper (check them out!) created an epic album that is now available on iTunes, Spotify and all...
Feb 21, 2019
You Will Rise Victorious
You will Rise Victorious Acts 3:5-7 "And he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, "I...
Nov 16, 2018
City Unity
"City Unity" is inspired by Baltimore City but really the place in our heart. You are a kingdom inside, a city, a place, a temple, in...
Nov 16, 2018
The Conqueror
"The Conqueror" was created before a major flood in Ellicott City of 2016. The canvas I painted it on was the largest I'd ever done and...
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